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850-445-3865- NEW SALES ONLY

Workplace Drug Testing

staffing agency drug testing56% of employers in the United States require a pre-employment drug test. These drug tests set a standard in the workplace, helping to keep employees and customers alike safe, as well as maintain a level of productivity and employee morale. Most often, employers implement drug testing so as:

  • To deter the use of drug abuse
  • To refer employees to drug programs if they need it
  • To create a safe workplace
  • To comply with state laws and federal regulations
  • To benefit from workers’ compensation programs

No matter what kind of workplace you run, MRO Express can provide you with exceptionally accurate drug testing. Whether you need drug testing periodically throughout the year or for when you bring a new team member on, our Medical Review Officers are familiar with some of the most common drug testing products on the market including urine, fingernail, saliva, and hair tests.

Let MRO Express can provide your workplace with expert drug testing services. We’re proud to supply a variety of workplaces with our drug testing services, including:

  • Industrial workplaces
  • Retail workplaces
  • IT/Technical workplaces
  • Accounting workplaces
  • Administrative workplaces
  • Financial workplaces
  • Medical workplaces
  • And more!

We always provide fast and accurate drug testing results. We have maintained a level of experience surpassed by few in the medical testing arena. Our web-based reporting is a secure system with interactive features that allow for greater control and minute-by-minute updates, as well as control of the rate at which they are sent out.


Contact us now to schedule your workplace drug testing or learn more about our variety of drug testing options.